Borders of RTM

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This page will concentrate on the Borders of RailTopoModel® , i.e. its environment in the field of transport policies and standardization.

Related initiatives, norms and standards

  • Transmodel

Transmodel is a European standard data model for public transport, designed to cover multiple transportation means (bus, tramway, trains…) in terms of interoperability, and the places where they meet each-other (e.g. stations, cities, towns, villages). The aim is to support operations, and more precisely schedule and journey planning.

  • Inspire

INSPIRE is a European directive which aims to create spatial data infrastructure for the European Union (EU). This will enable the sharing of environmental spatial information among public sector organisations and better facilitate public access to spatial information across Europe.


IFOPT means "Idenification of fixed objects in public transport". IFOPT (EN28701) is an approved Technical Standard for location referencing in public transport.

  • SIRI

The Service Interface for Real time Information covers transit communications between centres, and centre’s transit vehicles. SIRI provides traveller information on real-time transit vehicle location, predicted transit vehicle arrival/departure time, and predicted transit trip travel time.

  • TransXChange

UK national XML based data standard for the interchange of bus route and timetable information between bus operators, the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency, local authorities and passenger transport executives, and others involved in the provision of passenger information.

  • NeTEx

Network and Ticketing Exchange protocol for communicating timetable and fares details.


TRansport Intermodality Data sharing and Exchange NeTwork. Standard exchange data format for multimodal interoperability between RUs and service providers.

  • DJPS

Exposed interface standard for distributed journey planning systems.

Transport mode borders

The IFOPT standard (see above) is an attempt to describe the connections between transport modes. As its acronym tells it, IFOPT deals with physical connections (interchange, etc.) rather than timetables for instance.

Geographical borders

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